Exercises - 1-1 and Inverse Functions

Here you will find problems on finding inverse functions, proving 1-1 using monotonicity and derivative, and finding inverse functions for more complicated functions. For interaction between elementary functions and their inverses see also Solving equations and inequalities in Functions - Theory - Sets and mappings.

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For each of the following functions, either find its inverse f−1 or show that f is not 1-1 on its domain.

Use derivative and monotonicity to prove that the following functions are 1-1 on their domains.

For each of the following functions, show that it is 1-1 on the indicated set M and find the inverse function to f restricted to M.
Hint for functions that are T-periodic: Find an integer k so that the shift x0 = x − kT transforms M into an interval where the given function has its canonical inverse. Then solve for x0 and pass to x. Sometimes a shift by T/2 is needed, a picture should help. Compare with
note on inverse in Functions - Theory - Elementary functions - Trigonometric functions.

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