Why is it that if we are picking dots out of sine or cosine using the formula
sin(n) or cos(n), we never get any pattern?
This behaviour is caused by the fact that the distance between the dots is
an integer, whereas the length of the period is an irrational number. If the
distance and the period were commeasurable, precisely, if their ratio was a
rational number, then we would get periodicity.
As a simple example of this phenomenon we take the sequence
Now the distance between
the dots is
π/2, which is
commeasurable with the period
(their mutual ratio is 4 or 1/4, a rational number in any case).

We see that now there is a periodicity, in fact the sequence goes
{1, 0, −1, 0, 1, 0, −1,...}.
By the way, this sequence preserves the properties of
cosine: It is bounded, not monotonne, and diverges.
If we try
then we again get periodicity in the sequence as the mutual
ratio of dot-distance and periodicity of cosine is 1, a rational number. This
time the sequence goes {1, 1, 1, 1,...}, it is monotone and converges to 1.
Thus it is a nice example of how properties of the function can be "improved"
by smartly chosing the right points from its graph.
Conclusion: If the ratio of the period of sine/cosine and the step at
which the points are taken is a rational number, then the resulting sequence
is periodic and might be very nice. If this ratio is irrational (for instance
sequences like {sin(n)}, {sin(−3n)},
{cos(6n)} etc.),
then the resulting sequence is not periodic, not monotone, does not have a
limit and keeps oscillating in the largest possible way, that is, it keeps
reaching as close as we want to −1 and 1.