Problem: Evaluate the following limit (if it exists)

What happens if we substitute infinity? We get
(N + 3/2)∞ = N∞.
This expression appears in the
algebra of DNE as an indeterminate
expression; this means that we have to investigate further.
What happens when n goes to infinity? The sine oscillates between −1
and 1, so the whole bracket oscillates between 1/2 and
5/2 (and thus the
absolute value is not needed). Since the sine keeps getting almost equal to
−1 and 1 again and again all the way to infinity, it follows that
3/2 + sin(n) keeps approaching
1/2 and 5/2 again and again as
n grows to infinity. Thus the given sequence has a subsequence that
is almost like (1/2)n and it also has a subsequence that
is almost like (5/2)n. Now recalling
the geometric sequence we
know that
This would suggest that we have two subsequences, each converging somewhere
else, which would mean that the whole given sequence does not have a limit.
But how do we prove it properly? We do not have
{(5/2)n}, we have
"almost (1/2)n" and
"almost (5/2)n", and we should know
by now that "almost"
could be quite dangerous when it comes to a limit, especially if the "almost"
is raised to a huge power.
Probably the easiest way out is to use arbitrary closedness of
to −1 and 1 repeated again and again (see Important examples in Theory - Limits). When we chose a
small tolerance, the sine will get infinitely many times within this
tolerance from −1 and from 1. For instance, we can choose
1/4 as the
tolerance. Then there are
infinitely many n for which
sin(n) < −3/4 and there are
infinitely many n for which
sin(n) > 3/4.
First, consider the subsequence of natural numbers consisting of n for
which sin(n) < −3/4. For this subsequence we also have
(sin(n) + 3/2) < 3/4 and therefore

(We only considered n's from this particular subsequence, not all
n in this comparison).
Thus by
the Squeeze theorem,
this particular subsequence converges to zero.
Similarly, when we consider the subsequence determined by n for which
sin(n) > 3/4, then we also have
(sin(n) + 3/2) > 2 and therefore

Thus this particular subsequence goes to infinity. Since the given sequence
(3/2 + sin(n))n has two subsequences that
tend to different limits, the whole sequence does not have a limit
(see Theory - Limits - Basic properties).
Note: To appreciate better the delicateness of the above reasoning,
consider the following problem:

First of all, does it make sense? For a general power to make sense, we must
make sure that the base is positive. The absolute value prevents negative
numbers from appearing, but what about zero? We know that the sine is equal
to zero only at integer multiples of
π, but there is only one of
them which gives an integer, namely the zero. All other multiples of pi are
irrational numbers, so it follows that sin(n) can never be zero if
n is a natural number. Good.
So now we know that the sequence makes sense, how about its limit? The
numbers |sin(n)| oscillate between 0 and 1, so when we raise them to
huge numbers, things start happening. When n is really really huge
and |sin(n)| is less than 1 by a lot, then the resulting power is
almost zero. For instance, we know that
(7/8)∞ = 0,
so all n for which |sin(n)| < 7/8 and which are very
large will eventually give very small power. Thus we can make the first
Looking at n for which
|sin(n)| < 7/8 we obtain a
subsequence that converges to zero. Note that actually most natural numbers
are in this subsequence, but there are still infinitely many n that
are not there, for which |sin(n)| is closer to 1 then
7/8. So what
happens to these "extra" n's? There are two possibilities. One is
that also these n, when they get large, make
|sin(n)|n arbitrarily small. Then the whole
sequence would tend to zero.
However, it is also possible that these "renegate" n's form a
subsequence of {|sin(n)|n} that does not go to zero,
and then, like in the example above, we would conclude that this sequence
does not have a limit. Which is the correct alternative?
We may try to include more n in our "zero subsequence" by choosing a
smaller tolerance. However, this would not help. For instance, the set of
n satisfying |sin(n)| < 11/12 is definitely
larger than the one with 7/8 above, but still there are infinitely many
n not covered by this subsequence. Similarly, for every
q < 1, there is always infinitely many n than
make the sine larger than q and so they are not included in the part
that goes to zero. This shows that by making the tolerance small we cannot
show that the given sequence converges to zero.
What if we try to use those n with large sine to form a second
subsequence, the one that has different limit? We would not succeed because
we do not have a good lower estimate for them. Indeed, consider the set of
n for which, say,
|sin(n)| > 7/8. Then we get the comparison
|sin(n)|n > (7/8)n→0.
Thus the comparison says that if the subsequence of such n converges,
then the resulting limit is 0 or more, which does not help; we needed some
estimate that would force the limit to be strictly positive. This shows the
difference between the two problems here. In the first problem, we could
separate the base from 1 in the right direction. First we found an upper
estimate 3/4 for the sine term, and 3/4 is smaller than 1. Since
(3/4)∞ = 0,
this estimate forced to given subsequence to
zero. In the second example, we could do this, too.
Then, in the first example, we found a lower estimate for the sine base by
2, which is greater than 1, and since
2∞ = ∞,
comparison forced this
subsequence to go somewhere else than 0. And that is exactly the difference,
in this second problem we cannot find a lower estimate for
by a number greater than 1!
Well, back to the second problem. We have this annoying infinite set of
n for which |sin(n)| is almost 1, so we do not know how to
force |sin(n)|n to zero or to some positive number.
We know that
can be anything, because this is an indefinite power, and
unfortunately for us, sin(n) can be as close to 1 even for very large
numbers n. However, it is never really equal to 1.
sin(n) is
always a little bit less than one, and we are raising it to huge numbers. Now
recall that those indeterminate expressions are always about the balance of
parts. The expression
can give zero, assuming that the sequence in the base goes to
1 slower (in some sense) than the sequence in the exponent grows to infinity;
loosely, the infinity must be of better quality than the 1 must be 1. So now
the question is: Could it be true that every time we take n for which
|sin(n)| is very close to 1, then n is already so large that
|sin(n)| raised to n gets really small?
In our case, if n was always much bigger (closer to infinity) than
|sin(n)| is to 1, then the given sequence converges to zero. How do we
decide this? It is not possible with the tools we have at hand. This problem
calls for a very thorough and difficult analysis of the sine function. As you
can see, the answer to this limit depends on some very arcane knowledge;
fortunately, things like this do not happen often.
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