Matěj Dostál
Zimní semestr 2024/2025:
Lineární algebra
Nutná podmínka získání zápočtu: nejvýše tři neomluvené absence na cvičení.
Logika a grafy
Nutná podmínka získání zápočtu: nejvýše tři neomluvené absence na cvičení.
About me
I like categorical universal algebra.
- M. Dostál: Bénabou's theorem for pseudoadjunctions, manuscript, 2017
- M. Dostál, M. Sadrzadeh: Many Valued Generalised Quantifiers for Natural Language in the DisCoCat Model, QMUL Technical Report, 2016
- M. Bílková, M. Dostál: Expressivity of Many-Valued Modal Logics, Coalgebraically , In: Väänänen J., Hirvonen A., de Queiroz R. (eds) Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. WoLLIC 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9803. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
- M. Dostál: A two-dimensional Birkhoff theorem, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 31, 2016, No. 4, pp 73-100.
- M. Dostál, J. Velebil: Morita equivalence for many-sorted enriched theories, Applied Categorical Structures, first online: 21 November 2015
- M. Dostál, J. Velebil: An elementary characterisation of sifted weights, arXiv
- M. Dostál: Morita equivalence for Pos-enriched algebraic theories, Technical report, Department of Mathematics, FEE CTU 2013
- M. Bílková, M. Dostál: Many-valued Relation Lifting and Moss' Coalgebraic Logic, in: Proceedings of CALCO 2013, LNCS 8089 (R. Heckel, S. Milius, eds.), Springer, 66--79
My talks
- 11. 2. 2015: ÚI AVČR - Seminář aplikované matematické logiky - Towards HSP theorems for algebras over categories
- December 2014: University of Leicester: series of seminars on two-dimensional Birkhoff theorem
- 15.-17. 10. 2014: Doktorandské dny ÚI AVČR 2014: Sifted weights
- 11.-12. 10. 2014, PSSL 96 - Palermo: Characterising sifted weights
- 2. 10. 2014, Brno algebraic seminar: Characterising sifted weights
- 26.-27. 4. 2014: PSSL 95 - Brno: Morita equivalent S-sorted theories
- 23. 4. 2014: ÚI AVČR - Seminář aplikované matematické logiky - Commutativity of limits and colimits
- 9. 4. 2014: ÚI AVČR - Seminář aplikované matematické logiky - Intro to simplicial sets: Chapter 0, Section 0
- 28. 2. 2014: Math department seminar: Algebraický význam Yonedova lemmatu
- 24.-26. 1. 2014: WCMAT14 - Portugal, Coimbra: Enriched Morita equivalence for S-sorted theories
- 4. 12. 2013: ÚI AVČR - Seminář aplikované matematické logiky - Ordered universal algebra, algebraic theories and Morita theorems
- 22. 11. 2013: Doktorandské dny ÚI AVČR 2013
- 3.-6. 9. 2013: CALCO 2013 - Many-valued Relation Lifting and Moss' Coalgebraic Logic
- 26. 6. 2013: ÚI AVČR - Seminář - Indukce a koindukce
- 7. 11. 2012: ÚI AVČR - Seminář aplikované matematické logiky - Vícehodnotová koalgebraická logika
- Dagstuhl 2012 - Coalgebraic Logics - Many-valued relation liftings and coalgebraic logics
- AiML 2012 - Towards many-valued Moss' coalgebraic logic
- ALCOP 2012 - Moss' logic of many-valued Kripke frames
PhD thesis
Jirka Velebil was my PhD thesis supervisor.
Here is a link to my PhD thesis.
Master's thesis
My thesis deals with relation liftings. Relation lifting is a useful notion in coalgebra, it can be used to define bisimulation and to give semantics to Moss' coalgebraic logic. I generalise the standard notion of relation lifting to work with "fuzzy" relations -- relations with truth values taken from a certain Heyting algebra.
Marta Bílková was my thesis supervisor.
Here is a link to my thesis.