Matěj Dostál

Assistant Professor
22435 5105


Letní semestr 2021/2022:

Logika a grafy

Zimní semestr 2021/2022:
Lineární algebra
Nutná podmínka získání zápočtu: nejvýše tři neomluvené absence na cvičení.
Logika a grafy
Nutná podmínka získání zápočtu: nejvýše tři neomluvené absence na cvičení.

My research

I am learning categorical universal algebra. I am interested in some of its open research topics.


My talks



PhD thesis

Jirka Velebil was my PhD thesis supervisor.

Here is a link to my PhD thesis.

Master's thesis

My thesis deals with relation liftings. Relation lifting is a useful notion in coalgebra, it can be used to define bisimulation and to give semantics to Moss' coalgebraic logic. I generalise the standard notion of relation lifting to work with "fuzzy" relations -- relations with truth values taken from a certain Heyting algebra.

Marta Bílková was my thesis supervisor.

Here is a link to my thesis.