Mathematical cryptography

Schedule of lectures

Please, read handouts and recommended chapters of Shoup's book before coming to a lesson.
  • 18 Feb - Introduction to cryptography and cryptanalysis. A brief history of cryptography.
    Sing: The Code Book. Handout 0 and its printable version.
  • 25 Feb - Counting in Z and in Zn.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, 1.1-3, 2.1-3, 2.5, 4.1-2; Handout 1 and its printable version.
    Tutorial 1 with optional homework.
  • 4 Mar - Counting in Zn. The complexity of arithmetic operations in Zn.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, 2.4-7, 3.1-4, 4.1-4; Handout 2 and its printable version.
    Tutorial 2 with optional homework.
  • 11 Mar - RSA cryptosystem. Attacks on the RSA protocol.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, 4.7; Boneh: Twenty Years of Attacks on RSA;
    Handout 3 and its printable version.
    Tutorial 3 with optional homework. Tutorial 4 with optional homework.
  • 18 Mar - Abelian groups.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, 6.1-4; Handout 4 and its printable version.
  • 25 Mar - Order of elements, cyclic groups.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, 6.5; Handout 5 and its printable version.
  • 1 Apr - Structure of Zn* groups.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, 6.5, 7.5; Handout 6 and its printable version.
  • 8 Apr - Discrete logarithm, Diffie-Hellman protocol.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, chapter 11; Handout 7 and its printable version.
  • 15 Apr - Elliptic curves and the discrete logarithm problem.
    Handout 13 and its printable version.
  • 22 Apr - Generating random primes and probabilistic algorithms.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, chapters 5 and 9; Handout 8 and its printable version.
  • 29 Apr - Primality testing. Carmichael numbers.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, chapter 10; Handout 9 and its printable version.
  • 6 May - Factorising n by phi(n). (Optional bonus.)
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, chapter 10; Handout 10 and its printable version.
  • 13 May - Subexponential-time algorithm for discrete logarithm.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, chapter 15; Handout 11 and its printable version.
  • 20 May - Subexponential-time algorithm for factoring, quadratic sieve.
    Shoup: A Computational Introduction, chapter 15; Handout 12 and its printable version.
  • Security of cryptosystems in the light of quantum computing.


Assessment and Exam

  • A test is going to be written in the 9th or 10th week of the semester. To obtain an assessment, one should write it at least 50% correctly. In case of failure, one make-up attempt is possible. The test will contain knowledge of the first half of the semester, see Handouts 1-7.
  • In addition, active participation in at least in 70% of tutorials is required to receive an assessment. Attending lectures is strongly recommended too.
  • Only students who have received an assessment may take the examination.
  • An exam has a written and an oral part, both parts are obligatory.
  • The written part takes 120 minutes. Calculators are allowed for addition, multiplication and exponentiation modulo n, other calculations must be done step by step.
  • A student will be admitted to the oral exam only if he/she writes the written exam at least 50% correctly. Otherwise, the student will fail the exam.
  • The exam contents of the material covered in lectures and tutorials.
  • Sample written exam (in English)